

Bloc Fascia iliaca

Ultrasound-Guided Fascia Iliaca Block, Clinical Anesthesiology, Morgan & Mikhail

Systematic review of the effects of fascia iliaca compartment block on hip fracture patients before operation, BJA, June 2018, Volume 120, Issue 6, Pages 1368–1380 

Fascia iliaca block, LearnED


Cricothyroidotomie, DAS, Action Card

FONA training videos, DAS

Gants non stériles

Non-sterile gloves and dressing versus sterile gloves, dressings and drapes for suturing of traumatic wounds in the emergency department: a non-inferiority multicentre randomised controlled trial. Zwaans JJM, Raven W, Rosendaal AV, Van Lieshout EMM, Van Woerden G, Patka P, Haagsma JA, Rood PPM. Emerg Med J. 2022 Jul 26:emermed-2021-211540. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2021-211540. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35882525.

Comparison of Sterile vs Nonsterile Gloves in Cutaneous Surgery and Common Outpatient Dental Procedures, A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Jerry D. Brewer, MD1; Alexandra B. Gonzalez, MD2; Christian L. Baum, MD1; et al, JAMA Dermatol. 2016;152(9):1008-1014. doi:10.1001/jamadermatol.2016.1965

Non-sterile gloves in minor lacerations and excisions? ,  Vol 63: mARCH • mARS 2017 | Canadian Family Physician Le Médecin de famille canadien

Drains Thoraciques

Small tube thoracostomy (20–22 Fr) in emergent management of chest trauma, Injury, Available online 23 June 2017


Association of history of dizziness and long-term adverse outcomes with early vs later orthostatic hypotension assessment times in middle-aged adults. JAMA Intern Med 2017; Jul 24. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2017.2937. 


Pericardiocentesis, BC Emergency Health Services

Pericardiocentesis in cardiac tamponade: indications and practical aspects, eJournal of Cardiology Practice, Vol. 15, N° 19 - 11 Oct 2017, European Society of Cardiology


Stitching versus no stitching of the tissue beneath the skin (subcutaneous tissue) for non-childbirth surgery, Cochrane, 21 january 2014

Ponctions lombaires

Lumbar Puncture: Anatomical Review of a Clinical Skill, Clinical Anatomy 17:544–553 (2004)

Atraumatic (pencil-point) versus conventional needles for lumbar puncture: a clinical practice guideline, BMJ 2018; 361 doi: (Published 22 May 2018) 

Does Needle Gauge or Tip Design Prevent Postdural Puncture Headache? West, Jason R.Oliver, Matthew et al. Ann Emerg Med. 2019 Feb 12. pii: S0196-0644(19)30001-0. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2019.01.001. [Epub ahead of print]

Atraumatic versus conventional lumbar puncture needles:a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nath S, Koziarz A, Badhiwala JH, et al., The Lancet;

Does Bed Rest or Fluid Supplementation Prevent Post-Dural Puncture Headache? Michael D April, Brit Long, Annals of Emergency Medicine 2018 January 13

Traumatic Lumbar Punctures in Neonates: Test Performance of the Cerebrospinal Fluid White Blood Cell Count, Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2008 Dec; 27(12): 1047–1051. 

Ponction pneumothorax sous tension

Optimal positioning for emergent needle thoracostomy: a cadaver-based study. J Trauma. 2011 Nov;71(5):1099-103; discussion 1103. doi: 10.1097/TA.0b013e31822d9618.